Teaching the secrets needed to increase your sales
The majority of the public sector is unaware of the level of research that has been conducted in the field of Sales during the last 30 years. Thisresearch has identified the most common conflicts between customers and sales staff.Further research and study has developed effective methods of resolving these conflicts.
The Art Of Sales teaches the skills needed to move customers from the “hesitation stage” of the sale to the “decision stage.” Often, the most important steps in the sales process aren't related to yourproducts or services; they are the interactions between the customer andsalesman. During this interaction, each party tries to change the other's viewof the situation. With the right training and experience, a salesman knows whatthe right response to the customer being in a hurry. He will maintain a level ofconfidence when the customer is still considering the purchase of a new product. The presence of a second “advisor” customer will not be a detriment to a skilledsalesman. These examples represent only a few of the most common obstacles asalesman must dodge. Proper handling of these can make the most markeddifference between an amateur and a veteran salesman.
Institutional sales, matching technical plants, high-tech companies present some uniqueobstacles. Sealing the deal in these instances can be a long process requiringyears of negotiation before a contract can be signed. This can requireadditional skills. Teams must work against the decision making units, identifypotential business opportunities, communicate and follow-up throughout theprocess, distinguish from the competition, and create proposals forconsideration by their customers.
These skills are often overlooked in the training infrastructure of today's businesses. Reading material isavailable, but must be researched before dispersion into an employee base. Whenreading material is presented, it is often in a “read-and-memorize” format. Thisisn't a workshop meant to provide material to memorize. The Art Of Sales createsa personal, emotional, and cognitive connection between the students and thematerial by bringing real-life cases to the students, letting them evaluatetechniques used in each step of the sales process. One of the most effectivemethods this workshop uses is the intensive use of closed-circuit television. Students are able to study and analyze realistic scenarios in numerousexercises.
To augment the closed-circuit television exercises, The Art Of Sales introduces the “Change in Marketing” technique. It introduces thenecessary skill of transitioning from the intuitive attitude to the systematicselling attitude required in the current marketplace. We do this with threeworshop modules:
1) "The Art Of Suitability" Teaches the transition from a declarative-only attitude of making statements and presentations to an attitudeof listening and caring in ways most conducive to the customer.> Mention thePeled Technique here if you choose to<
2) "The Tendency To Close A Deal" combines procedures and techniques essential in sales negotiations. These skills, introduced on the second day of the workshop, are two of the skills mostoverlooked in today's marketplace.
3) Beginning to change normal behavior-patterns found during conflict resolution exercies. Initial reactionsto situations often bring about a negative result. We introduce “TransactionAnalysis,” the research of Dr. Arik bern , into the workshop to provide a solidbasis for our behavior-changing module.
If these goals are not accomplished, the workshop WILL fail.
The Peled Technique deals uniquely and originally with these challenges in a pioneering way with no … comment… this is the first time you've mentioned “the Peled Technique”…. You either need to mention that The Peled Technique is used (in the beginning ofthe doc) or not mention it at all.
The Art of Sales is guided by Izhak Peled an instructor with over 30 years of sales experience in this difficultmarketplace. With in the fields of sociology andpsychology, Izhak Peled shares his vast knowledge of this field while presentingthe information with a didactical, static attitude.